Documents Required for Proof of Residence |
Your address on file with GCA must always be confirmed with a Proof of Residence in the name of the Legal Guardian.
- If the proof of residence is not in the Legal Guardian's name, an Affidavit of Residence form is needed in addition to any Proof of Residence document(s) listed below. Use this link for the Affidavit of Residence form.
Please see below for a list of acceptable documents that you can submit, followed by examples.
**Please be sure that the image of your document is full page, clear, complete, and legible.**
Acceptable Documents
One (1) document required if choosing from this list
Current Lease Agreement [must show the lease term, legal guardian(s) name(s), resident address, and signature of both the legal guardian(s) and landlord]
- A month-to-month lease must be accompanied by a supplemental document from the blue list below.
Most recent utility or service bill, showing the service address and service dates within 60 day
- Acceptable utilities include internet, gas, electric, water, cable, or sewage/trash
- Renter's insurance, within the current year
DFCS benefits letter dated within 60 days (preferred but not required) AND showing the following:
- Legal Guardian name and address
- DFCS Letterhead
- Current/active benefit period
- Housing Authority letter, within the current year
- Military Placement letter for Georgia
- Letter of Occupancy provided by religious organization dated within 60 days
Supplemental Documents
Two (2) documents required if choosing from this list
- Month to month lease [lease with no start or end dates or leases that recently expired showing lease term, legal guardian(s) name(s), resident address, and signature of both legal guardian(s) and landlord]
- Mortgage Statement, current within 30 days
- Auto renewal registration or tag receipt, current within one (1) year
- Earnings check statement, dated within 30 days
- USPS Change of Address confirmation, current within 30 days
Unacceptable Documents
Application or Change of Address will be denied if choosing from this list
- Driver's License
- Auto or home insurance record
- Property or personal tax records
- House deed
- Cell phone bill
- Credit card statement
- Medical bill statement
- Addressed advertisement
- Personalized addressed envelope or letter
- Documents recording an out-of-state address
- Checking/Savings bank statement
Examples of Acceptable Documents - One (1) document required if using this list
Utility or service bill within 60 days (Includes Name, Service Address and Date)
Renters Insurance, within the current year (Includes insured person's name, address, policy name and type, and policy date)
DFCS Benefits Letter showing all required information
Examples of Supplemental Documents - Two (2) documents required if using this list
USPS Change of Address Confirmation, current within 30 days (Includes Name, New Georgia Address, Date, and document type)
Examples of Unacceptable Documents - Application or Change of Address will be denied if choosing from this list
Personalized addressed envelope/letter
Property or personal tax records
Marketing mail offers
Need to submit an address change? Use this link.
Questions about documents? Email