Canvas Observer Notifications from a Smartphone |
Before you can click and view the Canvas Observer notification in your email, you must first be logged in to your Parent Canvas account (also known as your Canvas Observer account) in the browser of the same device.
If you click to view the notification when you are not logged in to the Canvas Observer account, you may receive a 403 error. On your smartphone, use the link below to log in to your Canvas Observer account.
Link for Canvas Observers only! Students use a different link!
1. On the smartphone, open the Canvas email notification from your personal email inbox. In the example below, there is a link to view the assignment associated with the notification.
2. If you are not already logged in to your Canvas Observer account in the browser of your smartphone, you will receive an error message when using the link from the notification in Step 1.
3. After making sure you are logged in to the Canvas Observer account in a browser, the link will take you to the assignment referenced.