Text to Speech in the Class Chat Box |
Only students who have been pre-approved to use this tool will need these instructions.
There are two ways that students can use text to speech in the chat box in Class sessions.
Option 1: Using the Play button on the Read&Write toolbar.
Step 1:
While in a Class session, open the Read&Write toolbar by clicking on the purple puzzle piece icon on the top right side of the browser.
Step 2:
Select the first word of the text you would like to read and then press play.
Step 3:
You can pause or stop the reading by clicking on one of the options shown below:
Option 2: Use Screenshot Reader
Step 1: While in a Class session, open the Read&Write toolbar by clicking on the purple puzzle piece icon on the top right side of the browser.
Step 2: Click on the Screenshot Reader option on the toolbar:
Step 3: Use the selection tool that appears to draw a box around the information in the chat that you would like to have read aloud. When you let go of your mouse click, it will start reading on its own.
(To stop the chat from moving, scroll up to the text you would like to capture.)
Screenshot Reader can be used without the Read&Write toolbar by clicking on the purple bird icon.
- If the Read&Write toolbar will not open, refresh the Class tab session and rejoin.
- If the Read&Write toolbar will not open, try using Screenshot Reader