Read&Write: Reading Tools |
Only students who have been pre-approved to use this tool will need these instructions.
You can use the Read&Write tools to hear the text read to you aloud. The three main tools for Read&Write are the play icon, the pause icon, and the stop icon.
The Play Icon
The arrow pointing to the right is the play button. To use this option, place the cursor in front of the sentence that needs to be read aloud. Then click play.
- If text is not read aloud when that is done, click the left mouse button and drag to highlight the text that needs to be read, and then click play.
- If that doesn’t work, Screenshot Reader may need to be used. See the instructions below.
NOTE: When using various features of Read&Write, if the play button appears, that means the information can be read aloud.
The Pause Icon
Click the pause icon to temporarily stop the read aloud.
- As information is being read aloud, the pause icon can be chosen to pause the reading. This will allow students to step away and come back to continue reading where they left off.
The Stop Icon
Click the stop icon to end the read aloud.
- Using the Reading features, as well as using Screenshot Reader is demonstrated in the recording at the bottom of this page.
Screenshot Reader
Screenshot Reader should be used when there is text that cannot be read by the computer aloud by using the play button on the Read&Write toolbar.
- To use Screenshot Reader, click on the icon. The selection tool will appear (this looks like a plus sign). Use this tool to select the text to be read by clicking your mouse and dragging it around the text.
- When the mouse is released, Read&Write will begin reading the text that is selected. It may take a short moment to begin, but you will see it processing when the different colors are moving around the selected text.
Example of Screenshot Reader
The read, pause and stop icons will be located at the bottom right of the text that is being read. There is also a copy icon on the far right that will allow information to be copied and pasted on a Google Document. The Read&Write toolbar can also be used on a Google Document.
The Copy Icon
To copy and paste the text, use the copy icon.
When using the copy option, no observable action is seen; however, it does copy the text that has been selected. Press control+V, or right-click, to paste to a document. Once it is pasted, you will be taken to a different document, the standard reading tools (on the Read&Write toolbar) can be used to have the text read aloud.
How to Use Screenshot Reader