Breakout Rooms in Class |
Teachers can create Breakout Rooms in Class and assign you to the one you need to join.
When a teacher has created Breakout Rooms, you will see the following blue message in Class. Wait patiently.
Once your teacher has assigned your Breakout Room you will see the following message pop up on your screen. Click Join.
1. You can identify your Breakout Room in the first tab at the top. If you click on this tab you may see the other participants in the same Breakout Room.
2. Your teacher may have launched activities for you to complete in other tabs seen at the top.
3. Clicking on the tiny gray arrow up will make the activity bigger on your screen.
You may also identify your Breakout Room in the Participants as shown below.
Once your teacher has placed you in a Breakout Room, they may move you to another one without a notification to you. Use the first tab and Participants to see what room you are in.
In any Breakout Room in Class:
- You will not see the teacher on video unless they have joined your specific Breakout Room. Note the image below does not show the teacher in this Breakout Room.
- You will only see the list of participants in your Breakout Room, not in the whole class.
- You may chat with the teacher if you have questions. Click on Chat. Choose the dropdown. Find your teacher(s) listed in between the two lines.
- Your teacher may send a message to all the breakout rooms that will temporarily display along the top.
When it is time to leave the Breakout Room, you may click on the blue Leave button to go back to the main Classroom. If your Leave button is red, then you are about to leave the entire Class session.
If, at any time, you still see this symbol spinning, please wait for Class to finish loading.