GCA Chromebook Log-In Instructions |
Logging in to a GCA-issued Chromebook automatically logs your student into their synced GCA Google account. No further Google login is necessary.When opening up the Chromebook for the first time, log in with the student GCA Google email and password. For new students, the GCA Google email and password were sent to the Learning Coach email address. If you do not have this email, please contact your Family Engagement Liaison (FEL). If you'd like to see how to set up the hardware of a GCA Chromebook when you first receive it, check this out. |
Type in the student GCA email (firstname+studentID) for the first part. The domain of "@georgiacyber.org" is already listed there for you. Click "Next" |
The student GCA email will appear on the screen. Type in the student password. If you want to see what you're typing, click on the eyeball icon. Click "Next". If you have forgotten your password, submit a request for a Google password reset to the Student & Family Help Center. ***Do NOT use the Forgot Password option.*** |
The Chrome browser should automatically open to the GCA Champion Portal page for students. If it does not, click the Chrome icon at the bottom of your screen to open Chrome. |