Instructions for Creating a New Parent Infinite Campus Account **GCA students do not create Infinite Campus accounts, only parents. Students automatically have an account. |
As a new Learning Coach or Parent with GCA, you will need to set up your Infinite Campus account. Begin with the link shown below and follow each step shown.
1) At the first screen, enter all the following information. Do not leave any fields blank. If you have multiple students, you only need to enter one of them to create your account. All your students will be visible in your Infinite Campus account after it is set up.
- Student's first name
- Student's last name
- Current grade level at GCA (if you are creating this before the start of a school year, use the grade level your student WILL be in)
- Student ID at GCA
- Last four digits of the student's Social Security Number (even if you submitted a Social Security waiver when enrolling with GCA, please enter the Social Security number you know for your student. Only if that number does not work, submit this Infinite Campus Password reset ticket to the Student & Family Help Center to get the right number to use here. Check the box for Social Security waiver in the form.)
- Birthdate
**Be sure the birthdate is entered as mm/dd/yyyy, complete with slashes and four-digit year**
2) On the following screen, please note the message at the top of the screen that requires you to click on your name to see the Activation Key.
A. If a Username is listed, you have already created an account. If you cannot remember your password, request a password reset in this Student & Family Help Center.
B. If a GUID number is listed, you have not created an account.
3) To create your account, be sure to copy the GUID number exactly as shown, after the colon (:), and then select Create Portal Account. The GUID number is your Activation Key.
4) In the space for Activation Key, paste or carefully type the GUID number you copied in the previous step. Select Submit.
5) Choose your own Username and Password. Confirm the password you chose and select Submit. Be sure to keep the password safe for future use.
6) A confirmation will appear that you have created your account. Select Back to Login.
7) Log in with your newly created Username and Password. Be sure you are in the Campus Parent and not the student login page. An orange flag in the upper right corner of the login screen will confirm this.
8) Complete the final step of adding your email address.
A. Enter the email address you used when registering your student.
B. Confirm the email address.
C. Use the Password you just created in Step 5. Select Save.
Now that you have created your Parent Infinite Campus account, be sure to explore all the information available there regarding your student(s).
If you need additional assistance with your Infinite Campus account, please reach out to your Family Engagement Liaison.