Kami: Submit a Voice Recorded Comment on an Assignment |
Assignments in Canvas that use Kami will allow you to submit a voice recorded comment. Follow these instructions.
1. The assignment will appear in one of the following ways.
A. The assignment will open in the Canvas page with your Kami tools ready to use.
B. You will see the message below and must click the message to open it in a new window/tab of the browser.
2. If you have never logged in to Kami before, you will need to Continue with Google and always choose your school account. If you have already logged in before, skip to step 3.
Scroll to the bottom of the next pop-up and click Allow.
3. In the column of tools on the left side of the assignment, choose the comment icon and then the microphone icon.
4. Click on the assignment page and the voice recording will immediately begin, showing as a pop-up in the right margin of the assignment. To stop the recording, click on the square box of the recording.
5. In the pop-up of your recording, you may click the trash icon to remove it and re-record. You may play it back with the play button and you may add a comment.
6. Once you are satisfied with your recording, choose the option to Submit from Kami in the upper right corner of the assignment. Next, choose the blue Submit button.