Viewing the Student Flexibility Levels in Infinite Campus |
Flexibility Levels let you know if you are required to attend live class sessions. All new students with GCA are required to attend all live class sessions for their first full semester. To learn more about Flexibility Levels and attendance at live class sessions, please check the Strong Start modules in your Canvas account and reference the GCA Handbook.
1) Choose Infinite Campus from the Champion Portal page. Then choose the Campus Student link.
2) In the student Infinite Campus account, choose the More tab, then Flexibility Levels.
3) Examples of how to understand the Flexibility Levels are shown below.
A. Each period in each semester is listed with the course name and teacher underneath.
B. Directly under every course name is the Flexibility Level.
E: Encouraged
R: Required
If you have questions about specific changes in Flexibility Levels, please contact the teacher for the course.