Choosing Electives in Infinite Campus for SGB Students Only |
For the 2025-2026 school year, elective class choices must be made using the Course Registration in the student's Infinite Campus account. The option will only be open in Infinite Campus from:
Monday, February 3rd at 8:00 AM to Tuesday, February 18th at 4:00 PM
Important Points!
- The Course Registration in Infinite Campus will only be available from Monday, February 3rd at 8:00 AM to Tuesday, February 18th at 4:00 PM. **No exceptions will be made after the option is closed.**
- A call and/or email to the Counselor will not be accepted to replace the process of completing elective selections in Infinite Campus.
- Choose your electives carefully! While every attempt will be made to accommodate your first choice, it may not always be possible due to scheduling needs.
- Choose your alternate elective courses carefully! If you do not get your first choice, you will be enrolled in your alternate elective choice.
- If you complete the process for elective choices in Infinite Campus correctly, with alternate courses chosen, and you do not receive one of your selected courses, you may be eligible for a schedule change*.
*Submitting a schedule change request does not guarantee approval for the change.
Instructions for using the Course Registration in Infinite Campus to choose electives.
Log in to your student Infinite Campus account. You can find the student login link here or you may choose Infinite Campus from the Champion Portal page. Then choose the Campus Student link.
Choosing electives must take place in the student Infinite Campus account, not the parent account.
If you have never logged into your student Infinite Campus account, contact your Family Engagement Liaison to learn how to log in to your account.
If you can't remember your student Infinite Campus password, ask for a password reset here. If you are a student requesting the password, you must use your GCA email address and the reset response will be sent to your GCA Gmail inbox.
Waiting until the last day to request a password for your Infinite Campus account may cause a delay.
From the list of tabs on the left, choose More and then Course Registration.
Choose 25-26 GCA 9-12
You will see the following.
1) The total number of units you are currently registered for (yours may be more or less than shown in the sample below). When you are finished choosing electives, this number must show 40/40.
2) The list of your required courses which cannot be changed.
At the bottom of the page choose Add Course to begin looking for your elective choices.
Type in the search bar to find the course you want or scroll through the list in alphabetical order. Choose the Add button when you find the elective course you want to add.
Choose Request to add this elective. Choose as many electives as needed so that you see 100% complete with Units: 40/40
You are not done! Now it's time to choose Alternate electives in case you are not able to get your requested electives.
Type in the search bar to find the course you want or scroll through the list in alphabetical order. Choose the Add button when you find the elective course you want to add. This time, choose Alternate to add the elective.
When you have finished with all your Requests and Alternates, your units should total 40/40 and you can see the electives you have chosen.
1) Request is the elective you chose first. Only during the window of elective choices, you are free to delete and add a different one.
2) Required courses cannot be changed.
3) Alternate is the elective you chose as a alternate option to your first choice. Only during the window of elective choices, you are free to delete and add a different one.
When you have completed your choices, choose the Back option to see your schedule requests and print a copy.
Troubleshooting Steps:
Q: I cannot see the option for Course Registration in Infinite Campus.
A: Please confirm that you're logged in to your Student Infinite Campus account. Course Registration is not possible from the Parent account.
Q: I see this red error message when I try to request my elective course.
A: You have already reached 100% (or 40/40) of your units. If you want to choose another course, you can only choose it as an alternate or remove one of your earlier requests to make room for another.