Logging in to Classcraft from Clever |
Classcraft is found on the student dashboard in Clever. To access the program, click on the Classcraft icon and follow the instructions below.
1. Go to Clever using the Clever button on the Champion Portal page.
2. On your Clever dashboard find and click on the Classcraft icon as shown below.
3. A new tab will open with the login to Classcraft. If you experience a white page with no login, be sure to allow pop-ups on the Classcraft site with the instructions below.
1. Click on the small screen image with the red x at the far right of the URL.
2. Choose the option to "Always allow pop-ups..."
3. Click Done
4. Close the tab and return to Clever.
4. Once you are back on the Clever dashboard, click on Classcraft again and it will log you in.
**Please note! You will need to follow these steps to "Always allow pop-ups..." on the Classcraft site after every time you clear cache and cookies.**